Experiencing pain and discomfort when a wisdom tooth develops is quite common. Some may experience pain constantly, while others may find it painful only when they are chewing food or touching the area. However, it is advisable to extract your wisdom teeth before the pain becomes worse and unbearable.

Causes of wisdom tooth pain

Impacted wisdom teeth can be painful and lead to several oral complications. Why? Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to develop in our mouth. As there is not enough space in the jawbone to accommodate them, they get trapped under the gum and become impacted when they try to erupt. A wisdom tooth may be completely submerged under the gum or partially erupt or crooked.  An impacted wisdom teeth leads to infection around the gum, and it causes pain. This is why most of the dental professionals prefer Wisdom Teeth removal even if it does not cause any oral complications to other nearby teeth.

An impacted wisdom tooth can affect both your oral and overall health and you should treat immediately. If left untreated, impacted wisdom teeth can cause teeth shifting, crowding, tooth decay, cyst, and gum disease.

A wisdom tooth can cause pain without any warning signs. Sometimes, wisdom teeth pain can come slowly and intensify if left untreated. If you feel that you may be experiencing wisdom teeth pain, it is essential to schedule an appointment with the cheap dentist Melbourne as early as possible. The dentist will evaluate your mouth and take an x-ray to determine if the pain is due to the eruption of wisdom teeth or not.

Symptoms of wisdom teeth pain

As the wisdom teeth develop in, it can be painful, and you may experience the following symptoms.

  • You will feel throbbing pain at the back of your mouth
  • The area around the wisdom teeth will look red, swollen, and tender to touch
  • You don’t have any visible symptoms of the growth of wisdom teeth, but you may experience pain

The pain can also be due to various reasons, including tooth decay, damaged filling, teeth grinding, and gum infection. Whatever the cause may be, you should visit the dentist to prevent further complications.

Remedies for wisdom teeth pain

Saltwater rinse

One of the popular remedies for tooth pain is to rinse your mouth with saltwater. Rinsing with warm, salted water promotes healthy gums and kills harmful bacteria. Wisdom teeth can affect your other teeth, so keeping your mouth clean is a good idea.

Clove oil

Clove oil helps to reduce tooth pain as the cloves have specific properties that fight with the bacteria and reduce the risk of infection.

Ice packs

Apply ice chips around the painful area of wisdom teeth. It also helps to reduce swelling.

Over-the-counter pain killers

You can take the pain killers to ease the wisdom teeth pain temporarily.

If wisdom teeth removal cost is what you are concerned about, dental insurance can help you. Don’t worry if you do not have dental insurance. Some dentists offer cheap wisdom teeth removal with flexible plans.