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What Foods Stain Your Teeth The Most?

Posted on September 15, 2020 | Posted in Teeth Whitening

All of us long to keep our teeth pearly white and shiny. But, at times the food and drinks we take consume on a daily basis might become our enemy, discolouring the teeth. There could be several factors that cause the foods to stain your teeth, some foods might be high in acidity levels or possesses naturally dark food colours and strong pigmentation. So, if you are mindful about what you consume, you can very well keep these pesky stains at bay. Here are a few suggestions on food from the Affordable dentist Melbourne, that will keep your smile pristine –


Tea might sound as a healthy drink. But it is a really bad choice for your teeth. Yes, dentists say the brew can cause more stains on your teeth than coffee. It is no good, even if you switch over to the White or Herbal teas, as they can wear away your tooth’s enamel, and cause tough stains.

Deeply Coloured Sauces

Deep coloured sauces might be tasty, but they cause heavy stains on your teeth, especially tomato and soy. If you are deeply addicted to sauces, you can switch over to light-coloured or creamy sauces. But, don’t forget to brush or rinse your mouth after eating.


Just imagine if a drink can stain a cloth, how much discolouration it can cause on your teeth. Especially the dark, rich coloured red wine is highly acidic and will discolour your teeth. The funniest part is, white wine is even more acidic and can cause damage to your tooth enamel.

Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks can cause serious stains, the chemicals that are used to add flavour to the drink can scrape away your enamel. If you already have stained your teeth, there is nothing to worry, you can always opt for affordable Teeth whitening price Melbourne to remove the discolouration off your teeth.

A few Teeth Whitening Tips…

  • Don’t get any teeth whitening products without the consultation of an expert dentist. The prices might seem tempting, but there is no guarantee on the product ingredients. This could put your entire health at risk. Ultimately costing you more than the Teeth whitening price Melbourne.
  • Discuss with your dentist on the various Teeth whitening Melbourne But, make sure to choose a dentist who is fully qualified and licensed to perform the best treatment according to your oral requirements, and the results.

Why Undergo Teeth Whitening Treatment?

Teeth whitening are similar to the other cosmetic treatments to improve the external appearance and smile of a person. According to researchers, a person’s dental appearance influences the first impression, and the way people get a picture about them. Teeth’s whitening increases the favourability of charisma and career success. Also, people desire to maintain their new tint of teeth and hence take good care of their oral health. This simultaneously improves their overall appearance and health!

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What Are The Signs Of Needing Braces?

Posted on September 1, 2020 | Posted in Invisible Braces

Are you avoiding smiling because your teeth are not completely straight or you feel that your bite could be corrected? These are just a few indicators that you need braces. Most people hesitate to get braces, as it is inconvenient and time-consuming. But, an orthodontist can help you get the right treatment to empower yourself with the precise invisible braces Melbourne. But, to benefit from the invisible braces Melbourne, one needs to look into the following indicators –

  • You have crowded or crooked teeth. Just in case, you are embarrassed to smile because, your teeth are not straight, and then it is time to consider the cosmetic options of invisible braces cost Melbourne.
  • If you had lost your milk teeth pretty early in your life, and your adult teeth did not pop up for a while, then this could have upset the way your adult teeth emerged out of your mouth.
  • Is your jaw shifting or making sounds? Then this signifies a growth-related issue in your teeth, and your jaw line. Your orthodontist will be able to help you out with treating this problem. He will check if your jaw is sunken or sticking out as well.
  • Are you frequently biting the inner sides of your cheek or colliding with the roof of your mouth? This indicates improper alignment of your teeth. While opting for cheap invisible braces Melbourne, can address this underbite or overbite problems.
  • Chewing food becomes difficult. This problem not only brings inconvenience, but it can be detrimental for your health. Getting invisible braces can solve this problem, by fixing the teeth alignment.
  • When there are developmental issues with your teeth or jaw you might have to breathe with your mouth on a regular basis. Undergoing an orthodontic treatment might be able to help.
  • Too much space between each tooth can also become a problem. It is the other extreme of having crowded teeth. But this is easily treatable with braces.
  • Some orthodontic issues can be felt. If you experience Jaw or mouth pain on a regular basis, it is not to be ignored. It could be due to the teeth alignment issues too. Hence, you must visit an orthodontist right away to ascertain what is causing your discomfort.
  • Not being able to speak clearly is one among the many things that indicate the need for having braces. In such cases, it is good to schedule an appointment with an orthodontist and examine the reasons for the speech issues.

Check for the following symptoms, and discuss with your dentist about your teeth, and see if getting the braces is the right decision for you and what kind of braces would fit your budget and lifestyle!

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