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Your smile plays a significant role in the first impressions people get from you. It says a lot about you. Everyone wants a bright smile; showing off a beautiful smile makes you feel better within yourself. However, if your teeth are discoloured or stained, you certainly won’t feel comfortable about showing them off. Don’t worry. There are many different ways to whiten teeth.

The choices can be often confusing, but you must know that there are basically only two classes of teeth whitening options to choose from including, professional whitening or at-home products as there are some critical health risks involved in using at-home teeth whitening products dentists them. This blog will help you better understand the advantages of professional teeth whitening.

Advantages of Professional Teeth Whitening:

Even if we maintain good oral hygiene, as we grow older, yellowing of teeth happens as a natural process. This happens as the enamel of the teeth becomes thinner, exposing the naturally-yellow underlying dentin. Stained teeth can also result from consuming certain dark-coloured foods and drinks, including coffee, berries, and red wine, and tobacco use. Luckily, professional teeth whitening can help in these cases. The advantages of professional teeth whitening are numerous. Let us now take a look at some of them.

A Brighter Smile:

One of the most significant cosmetic benefits of investing in professional teeth whitening price Melbourne is that it gives you a brighter, more appealing smile almost instantly. The dentist can remove deep stains in just a few sittings, helping you show off your pearly whites once again.

Enhance Self-Confidence:

Smiling can make you feel good about yourself. In fact, it is the feature most people remember about you. However, unattractive, discoloured teeth can make you feel embarrassed about smiling. Professional teeth whitening by giving back your beautiful smile also boosts your self-confidence.

Better Oral Health:

Professional teeth whitening Melbourne, in addition to removing dental stains, reinforces the strength and health of your teeth, which lessens the likelihood of gum disease and cavities caused by plaque build-up that provides a breeding ground for bacteria.

Safer Treatment:

Store-bought teeth whitening kits might irritate your gums and increase sensitivity. However, by investing in professional teeth whitening price Melbourne, you can have a safe treatment. The process is carefully monitored by expert dentists who will adjust the levels of the whitening agent and protect your mouth from damage.

Long-Lasting Results:

Professional teeth whitening performed by affordable dentist Melbourne, backed by proper oral care routine at home, is long-lasting. That’s because the teeth whitening agents used by dentists contain strong bleaching agents than you can purchase over the counter.

Thus professional teeth whitening might be your best option. It is less expensive and safe compared to other methods. We are sure that you will leave the office with bright, pearly whites at the end of your appointment.

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Are Invisible Braces right for me?

Posted on June 1, 2020 | Posted in Invisible Braces

If you are longing for straighter teeth, you are likely looking for teeth straightening options. Invisible braces Melbourne can be a good choice when it comes to straitening your smile. This is true, especially if you want to forgo traditional, metal braces. But how do you know if invisible braces are right for you? This guide will answer a few common questions about invisible braces to help you decide which teeth straightening option will be better for you.

What are Invisible Braces?

Cheap invisible braces in Melbourne are removable aligners that can straighten your teeth. These aligners are custom-made that are unique to your smile. These braces are made of smooth, virtually invisible plastic. You can simply slip it over your teeth. Just like wired braces, invisible braces shift your teeth into its place gently and gradually.

Custom made by taking a mould of your teeth, these braces are changed every two weeks or so based on what your dentists recommend. Typically, adults can see results in just one year of use. However, for teenagers, the straightening process often takes a bit longer than that.

While the materials used in making the invisible braces make them easy to disguise, this straightening option offer many benefits that you just can’t get with traditional braces.

Invisible braces in Melbourne are often recommended to address:

  • Poorly positioned teeth
  • Twisted teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Flared teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Poorly positioned bites
  • Open Bites
  • Cross bites
  • Overbites
  • Underbites

Benefits of investing in invisible braces cost Melbourne:

  • Aligners are easier to clean when compared to traditional braces.
  • You will likely have fewer visits to the dentist. This means you won’t need regular wire tightening appointments.
  • It can be removed at any time.
  • It makes it easier to eat all your favourite foods.
  • They don’t affect your cheeks and teeth negatively in ways that traditional braces can.
  • Invisible braces are more comfortable compared to wired braces.

What can I expect with Invisible Braces?

Now that you know the purpose and benefits of invisible braces, you can consult your dentist to enjoy its benefits. After checking you, if your dentist decides that you are a solid candidate for invisible braces, he will make a mould of your teeth. This mould will be used to make your custom invisible braces. You will get your set of braces, to fit on your particular bite. Normally, you must wear each aligner for about two weeks. This process of changing braces or trays is what slowly moves your teeth into the desired position.

At the end of the treatment, you should have the beautiful straight smile of your dreams.

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