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Wisdom teeth. What are they? Why do they cause trouble? And what if your dentist told you, your wisdom teeth removal Melbourne is unavoidable? Let us tell you everything you should know about these molars.

The Name and the Why’s

It is really simple. As they erupt between the age of 17 and 25, in which most of the people are already considered to be wise, hence the name. They were indispensable to our ancestors, because of their diet full of hard to chew meats and roots.

Over the years, and especially having learned to use simple tools and fire to process the food, the third molars became less and less important for humans. The latest research shows, that about 35% of the population is diagnosed with agenesis of the wisdom teeth. But over 85% of people with developed wisdom teeth need to undergo their surgical extraction.

The Root Problem

The basic complication with erupted wisdom teeth is not having enough jaw space.

Through the ages, the human jaw grew smaller. This may cause major pressure towards other teeth, making them uneven and misaligned and impacted.

Not having enough mouth space could also feel the mouth overcrowded and generating severe discomfort and ache, like jaw-ache or headache. But the problems do not stop here. They are difficult to reach with a toothbrush, resulting in mouth bacteria overgrowth or cavities.

The Dentist

Visiting your cheap dentist Melbourne at least twice a year is the basic step to protect your teeth from tooth decay, infections or inflammations caused by poor oral hygiene. If you feel any discomfort or aches, ask your dentist about your wisdom teeth. He is the only one to decide, if and why you should get them removed.

A simple X-ray scan shows exactly if they have developed and if they appear to be the discomfort’s origin. Whether an essential or preventative dental surgery is decided upon, the dentist will inform you about the wisdom teeth removal cost and the whole process.

The Surgery

Before explaining the basic details, the most asked question is how much this whole process costs.

Cheap wisdom teeth removal is possible, under specific circumstances, like for example if only one wisdom tooth is to be pulled.

In general, dental removal surgery is not so simple as it may sound, and more so if all four of the wisdom teeth need to be extracted. As a young adult, you are suggested to undergo the procedure without any delay, because of the healing period at a young age to be reported remarkably rapid and complication-free.

Anaesthesia, either general or local, will be received by the patient. The empty spot in your gums after the removal will be stitched. You will be informed about all the necessary home self-care procedures, how to clean your mouth, teeth, the food, and the overall healing process.

Most patients during the first days after the wisdom teeth removal, experience some minor swelling and pain, which is normal, and may last up to 3 days after the surgery. Some medications to reduce your discomfort and pain may be prescribed. Eating mostly liquid food and drinking sugar-free beverages and water for a few days is also strongly advised.

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Before a dental procedure is undertaken there are some preliminary procedures which must be done in order for the process to be considered fully done. A deep conversation about the oral health of the patient and the dental implants cost is to be conducted.  The dental personnel should assess the oral health condition of the patient and give a verdict if the implant should be scheduled right away or some procedures should be undergone first. The procedures can be recommended when the dentist acknowledges that the bone tissues around the place should be strengthened.


Just like any other surgical procedure, a consultation should be held between the patient and the dentist. The dentist uses this time to do several tests and diagnostics. The tests are done to assess if the oral health of the patient can stand the effects of the dental procedure. If the oral health is sufficient the dentist will recommend cheap dental implants immediately.

However, if oral health not up to the mark, then the dentist Melbourne prescribes some procedures before the implant is taken. The dentist may take an x-ray photo of the mouth to assess bone structure and surrounding tissues. If the density of the jawbone can support the implant the implantation procedure can kick off. The dentist may however not be convinced that the tissues can support the implant, in such a case more advanced procedures like CT-scan imaging are required to give a more reliable image of the surrounding tissues.

Tooth Extraction

For a successful dental implants process, tooth extraction is an essential step. The following are some of the reasons that may prompt a tooth extraction procedure.

  • A severely damaged tooth has to be totally removed before the implant is fixed
  • Several implants are required to restore the patient’s teeth

The intensity of the extraction procedure varies between patients. However, for a simple tooth extraction procedure, a pair of forceps is used to pull out the tooth after an anaesthetic is applied for the patient’s comfort. In rare cases, the tooth may be severely damaged making it impossible for a pair of forceps to be used. A simple surgical extraction procedure is required.

Bone Grafting

Bone structures tend to deteriorate as soon as a tooth falls of the jawbone. This leads to the density of the bone decreasing. The more the surface goes without a tooth the more the surrounding bone surfaces deteriorate. Bone grafting is a procedure undertaken to restore the density, height or width of the jawbone if it is completely worn out. A dentist surgically fits an artificial jaw to fill the worn out part of the jawbone. After bone grafting is done, a period of fewer than 8 months is required for the bones to fuse before the implant can be fused.

Sinus Lift

This procedure resembles bone grafting but it is preferred if the teeth to be replaced are premolars and molars on the upper jaw. The jawbone may not have required height for an implant to be fixed.

The preliminary procedures should be done for the implant to be successful. The dental implants cost should also be considered before the procedure is done.

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Most people get worried at the thought of getting their wisdom tooth removed. Though the process is simple and requires very less effort from the patient during the procedure. It is after the Wisdom Teeth removal Melbourne procedure, when great care is required to keep the spot clean and free from any infections. Especially, the first week of recovery is highly critical, when the patients are more prone to any problems.

Here we have presented a few Home Care instructions that will provide you with a speedy recovery.

  • Bite the gauze for about two hours. Change the gauze after every 20 minutes or till it is soaked down with blood or saliva. The bleeding from the surgical area would usually stop somewhere between 2 to 6 hours, but don’t worry, if bleeding continues even after the aforesaid time. Take ample rest on the first day of the wisdom teeth removal, by elevating your head with two pillows.
  • Apply ice packs on the affected area, for the first 36 hours. Following the cheap wisdom teeth removal, you are allowed to apply heat to the enflamed area only after 5 days or after the swelling disappear.
  • Rinse your mouth only after 24 hours with lukewarm water or salt water. Avoid Swishing or spitting out aggressively. Fill your mouth with water and turn your head sideways allowing the water to move from one side of the mouth to the other in a gentle way. Let the water to flow on to the sink, after you are done. Remember, don’t spit. You may repeat this a few times during the day, until you get a complete healing.
  • Take ample diet that will speed up the healing process. Focus on consuming food that does not require much chewing, Avoid straws! You can resume back to normal diet after the 7th day of your wisdom teeth removal Melbourne. Here are some suggested foods –
  • Soups
  • Fruit smoothie
  • Potatoes mashed up
  • Yogurt
  • Ice-creams
  • Jelly
  • Pudding
  • Lot of water

Your expert dentist Melbourne will guide you with more food options that will boost a speedy recovery.

  • Consume medicines regularly. Get the prescribed medicines and take them as instructed by the cheap dentist Melbourne in the said gaps.
  • Your stitches will fall after 2 days. It is okay, if they fall even before this time. So, there’s nothing to worry. But, if the stitches are still in their place even after one week, then you must talk to your dentist immediately and get an appointment to remove them.

The healing process differs from person to person and on the complexity of the case. Hence, follow the instructions provided by the dentist and the above tips for a speedy recovery. With the wisdom teeth removal cost getting more and more affordable these days, there are many dentists who offer the treatment procedure. Therefore, look for the expert dentists with latest equipment in their clinic, for a more comfortable procedure and fast recovery.

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Dental implants are being considered as the best solution for individuals with missing teeth or damaged teeth. Recently the dental industry has witnessed a sudden rise in the popularity of dental implants, as this treatment is considered as the most effective way to restore the smile – here is why

  • Dental Implants are built to last for lifetime with proper care and good oral hygiene.
  • They act like real teeth and don’t slip around in the middle or a meal or conversation.
  • They offer support to the adjacent bone and encourages a healthy bone growth.
  • Dental implants are an immediate solution, which you can get on the same day of losing your teeth.

Still, you will have some questions on Dental Implants, a few of which we have addressed below.

  • How do you determine if I am a good candidate for dental implants?
    • If you have lost your tooth or teeth
    • If you face any difficulty in chewing the food
    • If your tooth is wobbling
    • If the food that you consume is getting trapped under the dental bridges
    • Finally, if you are a non-smoker

All these qualify you for the dental implants. But the initial step is to check with your Dentist Melbourne, if you really qualify for the cheap dental implants treatment.

  • How many surgeries must I undergo for the Dental Implants process?

Usually, it is only extraction and then immediate positioning of the dental implants, all which is done in one visit. But, if your oral hygiene is complicated, you might have to take multiple appointments for the dental implants procedure.

  • How much do the dental implants cost?

No patients encounter the same dental circumstances, so you cannot really find an exact figure, when it comes to dental implants cost. For some, a single visit will do, while for others, it might take multiple sittings. One thing to think of is, dental implants are customised to match the specific requirements of a person.

  • What is the success rate with Dental Implants?

The success rate with Dental implants is high with the non-smoking and compliant patients, who take good care of their oral hygiene!

  • How long will my Dental Implants Last?

Usually, the dental implants last for a lifetime if it is place by a specialist. There are so many factors that have to be taken into consideration for the dental implants treatment, their restoration and maintenance. With proper nutrition and hygiene, you can influence the life of your dental implants and make it last for a life time.

A dental implant will look and feel like your natural teeth. If you still have questions about getting a dental implants schedule an appointment with our dentist, so you can explore your options!

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