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It’s not hard to imagine how something as simple as losing one can lead to complications in your everyday life and affect your quality of life overall. If you think about the job of each tooth, it’s easy to see how something as seemingly insignificant as losing one can have a huge impact on how you eat, speak, and smile. Don’t let that missing tooth make your life miserable! Check out the list of five ways that losing one tooth can affect your quality of life.


If you’re missing a tooth, especially your front tooth, you may be more self-conscious about your smile. This can put you at a disadvantage when talking to people and even affect your job prospects. In fact, 90% of hiring managers say they consider how a candidate presents themselves in person to be just as important as their work experience and credentials. Dental implants Melbourne are the viable teeth replacement option that can help restore your self-confidence.


According to multiple studies, people with missing teeth don’t smile as often and appear less approachable than those who still have all their pearly whites. Others have noticed that it changes how we speak leaving us prone to avoid words with s sounds and decreasing how often we open our mouths. It even makes us look like we’re old before our time! If you’re looking for teeth replacement options, tooth implants Melbourne is your best bet as they help restore smile and enhance your appearance.


Speech issues are among some of the most common side effects that result from missing teeth. According to studies, up to 82% of people who lose teeth experience speech impairment. The first thing that you may notice when you’re missing a tooth is having trouble biting or chewing foods. However, even before you notice food sticking in your mouth, you’ll likely have difficulties with your speech and sound as if you have an accent or lisp.

Performance at Work and School

When we lose a tooth, it can affect our ability to chew food. This affects our performance at work and school, as we might have difficulty eating properly. It could also cause us to experience problems such as dysphasia, which makes it hard for us to communicate with others and impacts how we socialise.


Having one or more missing teeth can significantly impact your ability to chew food. If you’re missing one tooth, you’ll likely begin making up for it by chewing with your remaining teeth. This can lead to misalignment, indigestion and heartburn, especially if you’re trying to eat larger meals or multiple times per day. Having two or more missing teeth can turn eating into an ordeal and make digestion even more difficult. As Dental implants Melbourne are inserted into the jawbone, they act as the root of a replacement teeth and provide a stronger teeth. This allows you to eat your favourite foods.

Are you contemplating to replace your missing teeth with dental implants but concerned about the Dental implants cost Melbourne? Many dentists provide affordable dental implants. Please get quotes from various dental practice and choose the one that suits your budget. However, don’t compromise on the quality over price.

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Dentures are traditional, but that doesn’t mean they’re the best solution. Dentures can be uncomfortable and can negatively impact your health and quality of life in the long run. Dental implants are best choice for various good reasons. If you’re considering getting Dental implants Melbourne, you may be wondering whether they’re better than traditional dentures. They definitely are! Keep reading to find out why tooth implants Melbourne are better than traditional dentures.

Eat Without Restriction

Though dentures are cheaper and can be more convenient, many people find them uncomfortable. Dentures rely on gum tissues, making it difficult to chew and eating more painful. This is not the case with Dental implants Melbourne. By contrast, dental implants are directly anchored into your jawbone. Because they’re a part of your body, they don’t shift around or slip out of place like dentures.

Cost Less In The Long Run

Of course, upfront Dental implants cost Melbourne is expensive. But, the most noticeable benefit of dental implants is that they are long-lasting and require little to no maintenance. Because implants are placed directly into your jawbone, you will never have to worry about misplacing a denture or having it fall out of your mouth. On top of being sturdy, they are also incredibly affordable; with proper care, dental

Look Better Than Dentures

Most denture wearers are ashamed of their smile and use them to be less noticeable, but dental implants can actually look like natural teeth. This means that with an implant, you won’t have to worry about being too self-conscious about your appearance. With dental implants, you can get a new lease on life!

Improve Oral Health Overall

Many people who opt for dentures find themselves having to replace them shortly thereafter. This can be a hassle and expensive, especially when you’re forced to have multiple sets of dentures made. With dental implants, however, once they’re placed in your mouth and healed you can expect them to stay there. They fit more naturally into your mouth: Part of why dentures don’t tend to last long is because they are placed in places where natural teeth used to be.

High Success Rate

Over 99 percent of patients who undergo dental implant surgery are satisfied with their decision. Considering that traditional dentures have a relatively low success rate compared to dental implants.

As you see, dental implants can look, feel, and function like natural teeth. If you’re looking for options to replace your missing teeth, please go with dental implants. You’ll never regret your decision.

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The whole idea of dental implants can be intimidating to someone who has never received them before. It can be difficult to know where to start with so many things to consider and decisions to make! In this blog, we’ll cover the things you need to know before receiving Dental implants in Melbourne so that you’re as prepared as possible when the time comes for your procedure.

What Are Dental Implants Made Of?

One of the first questions people have when they are looking into getting dental implants is what they are made of. The most common material used in dental implants is titanium, and a majority of implants were made over twenty years ago were also made out of titanium. With technological advancements being made each year, it’s not surprising that more and more dental implant companies are now offering their patient’s ceramic-based tooth implants Melbourne as well.

Which Material to Choose?

If you’re thinking about getting dental implants but don’t know why think about what it is you’re trying to accomplish. Are you looking for something that looks natural? Something that can be easily maintained and cleaned? Do you want to avoid a removable denture in the future? Whatever your reasons are, they will help inform your choice of dental implant material.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

During your initial consultation, your dentist will likely provide you with an estimate of dental implants cost Melbourne. If your insurance provider doesn’t cover dental implants, it might be a good idea to consider financing options if you plan on paying out-of-pocket for your procedure. Also, be sure to consider any follow-up treatments that may be required after tooth removal before making a final decision about whether dental implants are right for you.

Does Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

In most cases, dental implants are covered by insurance. However, it’s important to verify your specific situation. Your dentist or an oral surgeon will be able to inform you of what kind of coverage you can expect based on your insurance plan. If dental implants aren’t covered by your insurance provider, it might be a good idea to consider financing options if you plan on paying out-of-pocket for your procedure. We offer flexible payment options with less or no interest.

How Do I Find A Good Dentist For Dental Implants?

When looking for a good dentist in your area, make sure to do your research. Go online and read reviews from previous patients. If you’re able to talk with some of these people, that’s even better! Looking for specific information about dental implants can be useful as well. Ask around to other dentists or search online; there are many different ways to find a good place. It may take a little while, but it will be worth it when you have found one that feels right.

It’s important to consider these things before receiving Dental implants Melbourne. While everyone can receive dental implants, the dentist is the right person to determine whether or not you’re eligible for receiving dental implants. For further queries, call us today and schedule an appointment with us. We can help you choose the right treatment plan for you.

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If you have been researching a lot about dental implants, chances are you have come across what is known as bone grafting. Dental bone grafting is a pretty common procedure that is required to strengthen your jaw bone. Your jaw must be strong and capable enough to act as a foundation for your dental implants in Melbourne. During the initial consultation, a dental professional will assess the present condition of your jaw and tell you if bone grafting is needed. The procedure is carried out using a synthetic or human bone. The following reasons explain why bone grafting might be required for you:

Receding Jawbone:

The first and foremost reason why bone grafting is required is a receding jawbone. When you are considering dental implants, you will have to opt for a bone graft first. Bone grafting has the ability to put an end to the loss of your jawbone. Loss of jaw bone usually occurs as a result of missing teeth. So, if your jaw line appears to be weak, that’s mostly because it doesn’t have sufficient bone density. This problem can be easily resolved with dental bone grafting. After this procedure is implemented, your jawbone will be restored soon.

Support for Dental Implants:

Dental implants in Melbourne are strong and effective. But in order for them to work efficiently, your jawbone must be sturdy. Bone grafting is done by taking the cartilage from a different part of your body. This allows your jaw bone to grow stronger and denser, so much so that it becomes a great support for your tooth implants. This is why a dental professional recommends bone grafting when they find out that you don’t have sufficient jaw bone density.

Support for Dentures:

Bone grafting is not just suggested for those interested in tooth implants in Melbourne. If you are looking to get dentures, a healthy jawline is applicable for this treatment as well. Dentures are yet another popular dental treatment that can replace multiple teeth, especially for the elderly. In order to get the best results from this treatment, a patient must have a strong jaw bone. If this isn’t the case, bone grafting is recommended. As a result, you will get the right results with your dentures.

Safeguard Your Teeth from Gum Diseases:

When gum diseases become severe, it can damage the bones in the socket of your tooth. Eventually, your tooth will fall out. In order to prevent this situation, get the assistance of a dental professional who offers the right treatment for gum diseases. Bone grafting will be provided right after, so that the bone will be restored in the sockets. This helps preserve your teeth and prevent further damage in the future.

As mentioned earlier, bone grafting is not a mandatory procedure. Get in touch with a dental professional to know about the dental implants cost in Melbourne and if a bone graft is necessary for you.

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Are You Eligible for Dental Implants?

Posted on November 15, 2021 | Posted in Dental implant

Loosed you tone of more than one teeth in an accident? Probably, it’s time to have the dental implants in Melbourne! “So, am I eligible for a dental implant procedure?” Probably, this may be your question of now as you are planning to have your new artificial teeth by making use dental implant procedure. To help you with this, we have listed eligible candidates and non-eligible for dental implants. This guide enables you to determine your eligibility for full-mouth dental implants.

 People Eligible for Dental Implants

  1. A person who is healthy enough to go through minor oral surgery
  2. A person who is in good oral health
  3. A person who has enough bone to anchor an implant
  4. A person who is willing to invest their time and emotional energy in the process
  5. A person with one or more missing teeth

Who Cannot Have Implants?

Usually, dental implants in Melbourne will fit almost everyone, but some can’t have implants due to certain medical conditions. And, it is quite rare that we come across a patient that cannot have implants.

Some of the medical conditions that avoid having dental implant are,

  1. Insufficient Bones
  2. Diabetes
  3. Weak Immune System
  4. Bruxism
  5. Gum Disease

Other than that, children or adolescents may need to wait until their facial growth.

Not a Traditional Implant Candidate?

Don’t qualify for a dental implant? Don’t panic! Some of the issues can be fixed, and you can get a dental implant for your missed teeth! For example, if you have gum disease, if you smoke, or if you need bone grafts in your jaw, your dentist can help you resolve your oral health issues and get you back to the opportunity to have a dental implant. All you have to do is, follow your dentist’s advice.

Are You a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

  1. Children whose facial growth and development have been completed. This stage is typically around age 16 for girls and age 18 for boys.
  2. People who have patience with the process can take up to twelve months to be fully completed.
  3. People who can drop the habit of smoking or a non-smoker.
  4. Good teeth habits or oral hygiene regiment.
  5. A dental implant needs good bone density to offer good support for tooth implants in Melbourne. If you have good bone density, you are a good candidate for a dental implant.
  6. Your gums and teeth should be in good health.

The Bottom Line

Are you a good candidate for dental implants? Or not a traditional implant candidate but, the issues can be fixed to have the dental implant? Book an appointment with your dentist! They will let you know about the dental implant procedure that you need for your case. Also, they will list the dental implants cost Melbourne before proceeding with the procedure.

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If you’re looking for an efficient and long-lasting solution to missing teeth, dental implants may be right for you. Implants are placed directly into the jawbone, and over time they fuse with the bone, leaving you with a permanent fixture to replace your missing tooth roots and provide stability to your smile. But how do dental implants work, and what makes them such an excellent choice? Learn more about dental implants in Melbourne here!

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are one of many treatments that can be used to replace missing teeth. While they’re not suitable for everyone, they do offer several advantages over other options. If you’re looking for a way to treat your missing teeth in order to regain your oral health and confidence, dental implants will be worth considering.

The implant itself is made from titanium metal and serves as an anchor point for a crown which covers it completely. With time, bone tissue grows onto the titanium surface to create a stable tooth root – one capable of supporting life-like replacement teeth. Tooth implants in Melbourne remain very stable during their lifespan.

Benefits of Tooth Implant Surgery

The benefit of having dental implants is that they provide a replacement for your missing tooth. This will give you your smile back and improve how you feel about yourself. The result will be an improvement in both your appearance and self-confidence, making it more likely that people will treat you better. It’s important to have confidence when you are out there doing business, so investing in Dental Implants could help ensure that people take you seriously.

A strong, confident image can make all of these things happen. If someone were to ask you why you should invest in dental implants, what would you say? A dental implants cost in Melbourne somewhere between $2000 and $4000 (depending on where your dentist works), but considering what it provides, isn’t it worth every cent? A person’s smile is one of their most important assets; without it many people struggle to get through life feeling self-conscious about their appearance. Having dental implants gives them back their best feature while boosting their confidence.

The Bottom Line

The dental implants in Melbourne have become a very popular treatment option for patients who are looking to replace missing teeth. As technology has improved, so too has implant technology, making it more effective and less invasive than ever before. All you have to do is, choose one of the best dentists, and have safe and healthy dental implants.

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Teeth have a crucial role in the appearance of our smiles, which has an impact on how we project friendliness and confidence to others. In social and professional contexts, the missing front teeth might make us feel insecure. A Lost back teeth can make your cheeks appear hollow and your jaws appear larger. They also make you appear older than you actually are.

While removable dentures are still popular among tooth loss patients, some people complain about their lack of stability and how they interfere with their daily lives. The dental implants Melbourne, unlike removable dentures, provide a permanent solution to the problem of missing teeth.

A bridge between two teeth

A bridge was the only option for replacing teeth. The dental bridge, as the name implies, is used to fill the gap gone missing by one or more lost teeth. A dental bridge is false teeth made of porcelain, gold, alloys, otherwise a mix of these materials.

Dental implants are a type of dental implant

Cheap dental implants Melbourne are the most modern treatment option for lost teeth, whether they are single or many. They are made up of titanium posts that are surgically implanted into the jawbone to act as anchors for replacement teeth. The number of implants utilised is determined by the number of teeth lost ( post for a single replacement tooth and 6 posts for a full arch fixed prosthesis)

Which is the superior option?

Dental implants Melbourne are the more expensive alternative because the procedure requires expensive materials and technology, not to mention the dentist’s significant investment in continuing education to gain the specialised clinical skills and knowledge required to become a qualified implant dentist.


Dental implants necessitate a surgical treatment that is more patient-centred, procedure-intensive, and time-consuming. Rather than two visits over the course of a week like a dental bridge, it takes 3-6 months for the titanium to bond to the jawbone.


Dental implants are more durable than dental bridges, with an average lifespan of 20 years. A dental bridge, on the other hand, can endure up to ten years. The fundamental reason for this is that titanium implants are biologically linked to your jawbone, resulting in a strong and long-lasting anchor. Contrasting to the titanium post, which is resistant to decay and gum disease, the dental bridge is a permanent dental device that will wear out over time, making your teeth more exposed to decay and gum disease. Even though the dental implants cost Melbourne is expensive, it is worth the money you spend.


Dental implants resemble natural teeth in appearance and function. The artificial teeth are made of tooth-like material that blends in perfectly with your real teeth and are engineered to suit the gap (where there are missing teeth) precisely. A dental bridge’s prosthetic tooth is not placed in the gum, unlike an implant.

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6 Tips to Care Your Dental Implants

Posted on May 1, 2021 | Posted in Dental implant

When a tooth is missing, the rest of your teeth will quickly and adversely be affected. Since there is now a void where your tooth used to be, your teeth are more likely to change and move, which can cause a whole new set of issues. The earlier you see your dentist, the better you learn more about dental implants and all that goes into the procedure. Since there is so much to learn about how to properly care for dental implants in Melbourne, it’s always a good idea to bring a list of questions with you to your dental appointment.

Dental implant tips

Dental implant

When a person has lost teeth, they are likely to start thinking about replacement options, such as a dental implant reconstruction. For patients in need of restorative treatment, cheap dental implants in Melbourne are becoming increasingly common.

Brush all of your teeth twice a day

There are toothbrushes made especially for patients with dental implants on the market. These toothbrushes are highly recommended since they can hit places that normal toothbrushes cannot. Brushing for three minutes is recommended to remove any plaque that is attempting to grow on the teeth.

Floss your teeth at least once a day

Floss at least once a day, preferably after meal. Using a quality dental floss to gently remove any food particles trapped between teeth is the only way to remove them. If these food particles are not removed, bacteria will begin to form, leading to cavities. To prevent tooth or gum injury, flossing teeth with caution is recommended.

Strong or sticky foods should be avoided

Hard foods can cause tooth breakage, which may necessitate the placement of additional dental implants. Eating hard or sticky foods will wreak havoc on the dental implant’s structure, potentially weakening it. Strong candy, caramel, peanuts, and dried fruits are examples of hard or sticky foods.

Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption

Smoking not only slows down the healing process, but it also weakens the bone structure, which is important for good oral health. Although having an occasional alcoholic beverage is usually good, excessive alcohol consumption can cause tooth sensitivity and possibly oral pain. It may increase the complications and increases the dental implants cost in Melbourne.

Maintain a daily dental schedule

Visiting a dentist on a regular basis is one of the best ways to ensure that your dental implants are performing as intended. Any concerns about your personal implant placement should be brought up at your next dental appointment.

Proper dental implant placement treatment is important for ensuring that the implants last as long as possible. Since these implants are considered permanent, they should be treated as if they were your natural teeth. If you have any concerns about dental implants in Melbourne, please schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

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Dental implants are a highly advantageous solution for people dealing with missing teeth problems. Loss of natural teeth will create gap, which further leads to a number of issues such as tooth decay and more. Thankfully, with the introduction of dental implants in Melbourne, patients have been able to restore their dental health and face the world with their beautiful smile. So, what influences the cost of dental implants? Take a look at these factors listed below:

Number of Dental Implants Required:

The more the number of teeth you should replace, the higher the cost of treatment. After the initial consultation, a dental professional would advise the patient as to how many dental implants in Melbourne would be required to resolve their condition.

Requirement for Bone Grafting:

One of the most important things necessary for you to qualify for dental implants is bone density. This is due to the fact that the success of dental implants depends on the amount of jaw bone density you have. For those without enough bone density, the dental expert will recommend an additional procedure called bone grafting. This extra step will be added to the total cost of the treatment.

This is totally dependent on the patient. If you have enough bone density necessary to support the dental implants, this additional procedure will not be required for you.

Location of The Teeth:

The placement of implants is also considered for the dental implants cost in Melbourne. Some locations in the mouth are not easy to access, due to which minor adjustments must be made to the procedure. This can impact the overall cost of the treatment.

Expenses Before the Procedure:

When you discuss with an implant professional, they will take x-rays of your teeth, and use the technology to thoroughly assess the condition of your mouth. If you have other dental problems such as gum infections, you will be provided necessary solutions to cure the same, before moving ahead with the dental implants procedure. If you have tooth that has not yet fallen out, this will be extracted for an additional price. These preparatory steps will add on to the cost of the entire treatment.

The treatment cost can also depend on the quality of dental implants you purchase. Always make sure to get high quality dental implants with great usability and durability, from a reputable dental office. You’d be happy with the results.

These are the major factors that influence the cost of cheap dental implants in Melbourne. If you have any questions regarding the same, get in touch with a qualified dental professional right away. The experts will offer a customised treatment not just to give you a comforting experience throughout, but also to produce the intended results.

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The Consequences of Losing a Tooth

Posted on February 15, 2021 | Posted in Dental implant

Tooth loss is loss inevitable. Yes, even people who follow good dental routine lose a tooth over time for several reasons. That doesn’t mean you don’t have to take care of your teeth and gums. You should to keep the dental problems at bay. However, for some, teeth may be lost for various reasons, including gum disease, dental decay, and other problems. Perhaps you may have lost a tooth due to trauma. But, the problem is not replacing the missing tooth.

Of course, losing a single tooth might not seem to be significant, especially if it is not visible. But, a single tooth loss can eventually affect all the teeth and can wreak havoc on your dental health. When a tooth is lost, it can lead to a myriad of problems, including bite problems and cleaning. That’s why it is a good idea to replace your teeth as early as possible. It’s a good idea to visit your affordable dentist Melbourne to know your options about replacing missing teeth.

The effects of tooth loss

The effects of tooth loss can be detrimental to both your oral and overall health. The way your tooth fits together greatly impacts your ability to chew and bite efficiently. Also, it affects the way the upper and jawbone meets each other. When the teeth are misaligned, it can result in bite problems.

This is because when a tooth is lost and not replaced, the adjacent teeth start to gradually shift to the empty space to fill the gap. These natural movements can lead to serious dental problems that make the problem even worse. The shifting then creates a new gap between the other teeth in which food particles can get caught and plaque can build up over time. As the cleaning of these misaligned teeth is difficult, the accumulation of plaque can become the breeding ground for bacteria where it can thrive and cause gum infection around the teeth and risk other healthy teeth as well. Also, the teeth are susceptible to dental decay.

Losing a single tooth may not seem to be a big problem both aesthetically and oral health. But, it can lead to many dental problems down the road, including Malocclusion or a misaligned bite, Tempormandibular joint disorder due to tooth misalignment, loss of more teeth, and Uneven, premature wear and tear on the remaining teeth.

There are several options to replace your missing teeth and dental implants are a permanent solution that gives long lasting results. Visit your Dentist Melbourne and know your teeth replacement options.

Whether you want to replace your missing teeth or need teeth whitening Melbourne to brighten your smile, we can help you. Please call us today to schedule the appointment with our affordable dentist Melbourne.

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