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Wisdom teeth – The name implies, it’s a boon. But despite the name, it’s one of the top causes of pain among some people and one of the main reasons why people visit a dentist for wisdom teeth removal Melbourne. So, what causes wisdom teeth pain? Are every wisdom teeth needs to be removed? Let us have a look:

What Causes Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth that could not grow out of the gums fully because of obstructions of other teeth, and this causes impaction. And this in turn causes inflammation and infection as well as damage to the adjacent teeth. Wisdom teeth usually occur at the age of 17 to 21.

When You Need to Seek a Dentist’s Help?

If your wisdom tooth is impacted, then you need to opt for wisdom teeth removal. Some patients falsely believe that wisdom tooth removal is a painful one, as it requires surgery. But now with the advancements of procedures, your dentist can make your wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne stress free, pain free and comfortable.

During the first appointment, the specialist of wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne will take an x-ray of his jaw bone and teeth to pinpoint the exact location of the impacted wisdom teeth. Your dentist will also explain the potential ill effects of ignoring the existence of impacted wisdom teeth.

What to Expect During the Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure?

During the wisdom teeth removal procedure, general anesthesia will be administered to make you sleep if more wisdom teeth will be removed at the same time. After that, the gum issue of the impacted tooth will be opened and then your dentist will pull the tooth or in rare cases, they cut the tooth into smaller pieces for easy pulling. Finally, stitches will be put in place to close the gums.

Aftercare Treatment – What to Do?

The things you follow after the treatment will hardly decide the healing time and speedy recovery of the wisdom teeth removal. After getting your wisdom teeth pulled, you are likely to expect some kind of bleeding, pain and swelling.

There are plenty of things you can do to make your recovery days easier. Few of the important tips to follow are listed below:

  • Apply ice packs to the outside of your mouth for every 20 minutes gap.
  • Avoid eating, drinking and talking for the first two hours
  • Drink lots of lukewarm or cold fluids to keep hydrated.
  • Take pain medications and antibiotics exactly as prescribed by your dentist
Bottom Line,

Whether you’re planning to have one wisdom tooth removed or all the four, don’t forget to discuss the wisdom teeth removal cost in Melbourne Keep in mind that by choosing the specialist of wisdom teeth in Melbourne, you can get through this procedure without complications and confusions!

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Wisdom teeth – The name implies, it’s a boon. But despite the name, it’s one of the top causes of pain among some people and one of the main reasons why people visit a dentist. So, what causes wisdom teeth pain? Are every wisdom teeth needs to be removed? Let us have a look:

What Causes Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth that could not grow out of the gums fully because of obstructions of other teeth, and this causes impaction. And this in turn causes inflammation and infection as well as damage to the adjacent teeth. Wisdom teeth usually occur at the age of 17 to 21.

When You Need to Seek a Dentist’s Help?

If your wisdom tooth is impacted, then you need to opt for wisdom teeth removal. Some patients falsely believe that wisdom tooth removal is a painful one, as it requires surgery. But now with the advancements of procedures, your dentist can make your wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne stress free, pain free and comfortable.

During the first appointment, the specialist of wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne will take an x-ray of his jaw bone and teeth to pinpoint the exact location of the impacted wisdom teeth. Your dentist will also explain the potential ill effects of ignoring the existence of impacted wisdom teeth.

What to Expect During the Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure?

During the wisdom teeth removal procedure, general anesthesia will be administered to make you sleep if more wisdom teeth will be removed at the same time. After that, the gum issue of the impacted tooth will be opened and then your dentist will pull the tooth or in rare cases, they cut the tooth into smaller pieces for easy pulling. Finally, stitches will be put in place to close the gums.

Aftercare Treatment – What to Do?

The things you follow after the treatment will hardly decide the healing time and speedy recovery of the wisdom teeth removal. After getting your wisdom teeth pulled, you are likely to expect some kind of bleeding, pain and swelling.

There are plenty of things you can do to make your recovery days easier. Few of the important tips to follow are listed below:

  • Apply ice packs to the outside of your mouth for every 20 minutes gap.
  • Avoid eating, drinking and talking for the first two hours
  • Drink lots of lukewarm or cold fluids to keep hydrated.
  • Take pain medications and antibiotics exactly as prescribed by your dentist

Bottom Line,

Whether you’re planning to have one wisdom tooth removed or all the four, don’t forget to discuss the wisdom teeth removal cost in Melbourne Keep in mind that by choosing the specialist of wisdom teeth in Melbourne, you can get through this procedure without complications and confusions!

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Wisdom Teeth – The name implies it’s a boon but for someone it doesn’t! The arrival of the wisdom teeth can make you suffer with tender gums, aching teeth and pain. Apart from this, wisdom teeth also cause potential dental problems to your dental health.

In this article, we are going to discuss all the ins and outs of wisdom teeth removal Melbourne by stating what causes wisdom teeth pain and the tips to get instant relief from wisdom teeth pain.

What Causes Wisdom Teeth Pain?

The wisdom teeth pain might be caused by any of the following problems:

Lack of Space:

If there’s not enough space in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to come in, the problem arises. The wisdom teeth become impacted and painful, when your jaw is too small for the wisdom teeth to pop up through properly.

Lack of Hygiene:

Even if your mouth is too large to house the wisdom teeth, there might be a chance for complications. The teeth are flat, which creates periodontal pockets between the teeth and the jaw that are very difficult to clean. Bacteria and plaque can build up in these pockets, leading to tooth decay or gum disease.

Signs and Symptoms – Wisdom Teeth Removal

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, which indicate the wisdom teeth are impacted, you may need to have the teeth out immediately:

  • Infections in the back of the mouth
  • Sharp, & Annoying pain in your gums
  • Tumors or cysts
  • Gum disease
  • Frequent bleeding from back of the mouth

These symptoms indicate it’s the right time to remove your wisdom teeth. Recent statistics found that many patients get nervous about having the wisdom teeth removal surgery, but it’s a relatively short procedure. You can make the wisdom teeth removal process easier and stress free by consulting an experienced wisdom teeth removal specialist in Melbourne.

Tips to Follow After Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery – Pain Relief Tips

  • Use anti-bacterial mouthwash that contains ingredients which will help numb the area, reduce inflammation, and ease the pain a bit.
  • Rinse your mouth with a bit of warm salt water. The salt reduces swelling and has a cleansing effect, and the water can help to remove any food particles.
  • Gently massage the area inside and outside of the mouth with an antibacterial gel. This will reduce pain and gives you a soothing effect.
  • Take a painkiller as prescribed by your dentist; this will help you reduce the pain and help you sleep at night.

On the Final Recap,

There are number of reasons to get the wisdom teeth removed. Having these teeth removed can be a preventative measure that saves you from experiencing painful side effects such as sinus, ear, or jaw pain.

At No Gap Dentists, our Melbourne wisdom teeth removal experts can work with you to schedule a convenient time to have your wisdom teeth removed at their dental practice. Get an appointment today!

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Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars that erupt in your mouth and it occurs during the late teens. Contrary to popular belief, wisdom teeth aren’t a nightmare for everyone. They cause trouble only when they are impacted. Most people are hardly informed about some of the common facts of wisdom teeth and wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne, so read on to know these important facts about wisdom teeth:

Wisdom teeth removal:

Wisdom tooth is the most frequent type of teeth being pulled. Wisdom tooth in generally doesn’t pose any problem unless it is impacted. Some problems associated with impacted wisdom tooth include caries, inflammation of the dental pulp and pericoronitis.

a. Caries:

Caries, also referred to as tooth decay, is a common problem associated with tooth decay. This can also lead to inflammation of the dental pulp, if not treated properly.

b. Pulpitis:

Pulpitis can lead to pain in the tooth, and can also instigate tooth root infection. Tooth root infection is one of the common reasons for removal of wisdom teeth.

c. Periodontitis:

Periodontitis cause damage to the bone that supports the teeth, thus loosening the teeth. Removing the tooth and replacing it with prosthetics is a viable solution.

Treating and Preventing Wisdom Teeth Symptoms

Treating wisdom tooth symptoms depends on the cause of the problem. Maintaining good oral hygiene is the fundamental step towards preventing such symptoms. Some of the common symptoms include:

  1. Swollen gum tissue and toothache
  2. Bad taste in mouth,
  3. Fever
  4. Swollen cheek
  5. Difficulty opening the mouth

How to Find a Dentist:

Dentists and dental specialists specialise in wisdom tooth extractions. A dentist will analyse the severity and determine a suitable treatment option for you. When looking for a dentist, ask your friends and family for references and make sure you find someone who is licensed and certified. Consulting different dentists is also a good idea, so that you can try and analyse the best dentist who can serve you better. Do not depend on those dentists who offer the service at dirt-cheap prices as the service quality isn’t guaranteed in such cases.

How is the Extraction Done?

Once a local anaesthetic is injected, a gum coupled with the tooth is taken out, and subsequently the tooth is moved and removed. Once the removal is done, the extraction socket is cleansed and necessary stitches are placed on the extraction site.

After Wisdom Tooth Extraction:

Once the extraction is done, few recovery tips have to be followed and that include avoiding hard, chewy foods, staying away from strenuous activity for a few days, taking proper medications and following proper oral hygiene.

This guide should have helped you gain a gist of wisdom teeth and wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne. Consult your dental professional and seek their help to drive away wisdom tooth problems.

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