Wisdom teeth is a common phenomenon that is dealt by dentists all around the world. They are the third set of molars that grow during the late teens or early twenties. Contrary to popular belief, wisdom teeth don’t pose problems for everyone. Wisdom teeth needs to be removed only when it is impacted due to insufficient room for growth. Here are 5 common reasons that explain why impacted wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne is necessary:

Lack of Proper Growth:

As mentioned earlier, wisdom teeth take some space in the mouth. When the mouth is overcrowded, wisdom tooth will not grow properly, due to which it gets impacted. This is when a dental professional will recommend you to remove it at reasonable wisdom teeth removal cost in Melbourne. Extraction needs to be done to create room in the mouth, especially when someone doesn’t have enough space for the extra teeth.

Discomfort and Pain:

Another popular reason for extracting impacted wisdom teeth is the pain and discomfort caused by it. If you experience pains or aches, get in touch with a dental professional who shall provide the right solution for you. They will assess and determine if the discomfort is caused due to wisdom teeth, and if so, they would further see if extracting it is the ideal solution for the same. Sometimes, pain lessens over time even when the extraction process isn’t done.

Sinus Issues:

You might not probably know that impacted wisdom teeth could also lead to sinus problems. When the tooth grows in on the upper jaw, the roots could push and rub against the sinuses, exerting pressure on them. While this doesn’t happen quite often, there are chances for wisdom teeth to cause sinus pains and headaches.

Problems with Diet:

If you are facing any difficulties while eating, extracting wisdom teeth would be a good solution. The food we eat frequently gets stuck between the gums and the top portion of the teeth. This could pose a problem as it is usually hard to reach the back of the mouth and clean while brushing. A dental professional would be able to suggest the right solution for it, or could proceed with tooth extraction at reasonable wisdom teeth removal cost in Melbourne when necessary.

Gum Inflammation and Cavities:

When a wisdom tooth is erupting, a flap of gum tissue would exist next to it, trapping food particles and bacteria. Consequently, the tissue surrounding the tooth could become inflamed, which is hard to clean. This is called pericoronitis.

Impacted wisdom teeth also could lead to bacterial growth. If the gums are irritated, pockets could grow between the teeth and lead to cavities, which would affect the neighbouring teeth as well. These shall be easily prevented with cheap wisdom teeth removal by an expert.

So, should you get your wisdom teeth removed? Not always. You need to get in touch with a professional, who will first examine the condition before going for the extraction procedure.