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A survey discloses that the survival rates of the Immediate Load dental implants Melbourne are similar to the traditional cheap dental implants Melbourne. This procedure is an aesthetically driven method. Let’s see the how it is deployed.

Why Immediate Dental Implants?

Immediate Load dental implants Melbourne are an alternative method for the traditional dental implants. This dental implant procedure has the following advantages over the delayed protocol dental implants,

  • Preserves the bones and the tissues in the implant site
  • Few surgical procedure
  • Time taken for the procedure is less
  • Reduced dental implants cost Melbourne
  • Preserves the gingival aesthetic
  • Increases the comfort of the patient

The Criteria to Proceed With the Immediate Load Dental Implants

Gingival Biotype

The gingival biotypes control the healing of the hard and the soft tissues in the implant area and play a major role in maintaining the aesthetics. There are two types of gingival biotype,

  • Gingiva thicker than 1.5 mm – soft tissue type 1
  • Gingiva thinner than1.5 mm – soft tissue type 2

Extraction Socket Condition

The socket condition helps in the prediction of the osseointegration. There are three socket conditions,

  • Buccal plate intact and thicker than 1.5 mm – socket type 1
  • Buccal plate is intact and thinner than 1.5 mm – socket type 2
  • Buccal plate is missing or fractured – socket type 3

Procedure of the Immediate Load dental Implants

After the teeth extraction, the dentist will examine the socket with the periodontal probe to check whether the buccal plate is intact or not. After the inspection of the soft tissue type and the socket condition, the Immediate dental implant procedure is performed. Generally the Immediate dental implant is recommended for the socket type 1 with the soft tissue type 1.

If the buccal plate is intact and thick, then depending on the patient’s soft tissue type the dental implant protocol is done. When the soft tissue is thinner with a thick buccal plate, the dentist has to go for the delayed implant protocol but in the case of the soft tissue thicker than 1.5 mm, the Immediate dental implant is done.

While placing the Immediate dental implant, position the implant with a minimum of 1.5mm from the buccal plate. Also place the platform 2mm beneath the cementoenamel junction of the nearby teeth. This helps in bone regeneration, proper functioning of the implant and to retain the aesthetic features.

 What Factors Decides The Success Of The Immediate Load Dental Implants?

The Immediate Load dental implant’s success relies on the following factors,

Bone Quality Or Quantity

Bone quality and quantity i.e. the volume and the density of the bone ensures the stability and the proper positioning of the dental implants.

Implant’s Initial Stability

For attaining the stability, placing the implant at the torque of 35Ncm or higher is recommended.

Implant Features

The implant should have features like a tapered design, sharp threads in the apical aspect of the implant.

Thus the Immediate implant has the power of transforming the lives of the patients.

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A survey exhibits that, tooth decay is the most common disease among the US children which is five times as prevalent as asthma. Maintaining a proper oral health right from the childhood, when the primary teeth grows has its own impact in the adult age. But dentist Melbourne helps to retain a proper oral health in children. So let’s see the foods that prevent cavities in children.

Why Cavities?

The best dentist Melbourne says that children have small appetite and consume food frequently. They often get attracted towards the sweet and sweet products to satisfy their hunger. Also the pre-packaged sugary snacks, chocolates, confectionaries made from chocolates, highly saturated sugary drinks tempt your children leading to the cavities. While having the sugary snacks and drinks the bacteria present in the mouth converts the sugar and the carbohydrate into acids, which erodes the enamel and causes cavities. The dentist in Melbourne advices to give healthy food to your children that prevents cavity.

What Are The Food Suggested By The Dentists For A Healthy Oral?

Here are a few types of food that provides a better oral health in your children.

  • Apples

We all know apple is rich in fibre. This fibre acts as a scrub that cleans the gums, tongue and the teeth. It also removes the stain and the plaque in the teeth. Apple helps to eliminate the bad odour by cleaning the plaque and residue from the back end of the mouth. Thus apple act as a natural cleanser.

  • Kiwis

Kiwi is rich in fibre and calcium. This calcium helps to fight against the cavity causing acids and protects the enamel which is the hardest part of the body and the protection shield for the teeth.

  • Strawberries

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C which helps to produce collagens for the gum’s strength. Including 4 to 6 berries in the daily diet helps to have stronger gums.

  • High Fibre Vegetables

Crunchy vegetables like cucumber, carrots act as the mouth cleansers. They stimulate saliva that fight against the acids. The calcium and phosphates in these vegetables rebuilds the minerals seeped away by the acids.

  • Nuts

Nut like peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts are rich sources of calcium, vitamin D, fibre, folic acid, iron, thiamine, magnesium, niacin, vitamin E, potassium and zinc. Nuts help to stimulate the saliva, cleanse the mouth, strengthen the gums and prevent the cavities.

  • Cheese

Cheeses are very rich in calcium. They help to produce saliva and replace the minerals that are leached by the acids. Cheese contains Casein which strengthens the tooth enamel.

  • Dairy Products Without Added Sugar

Dairy products are rich in calcium, phosphates and vitamin D that prevent the cavities.

  • Water

Water is a natural cleanser. It removes all the toxins from the mouth providing a healthy gum and teeth.

There are affordable dentist Melbourne for the children’s oral health. So visit when needed.

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