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The wisdom teeth removal Melbourne is very normal and, depending on your particular situation, healing will take up to a week. If your wisdom teeth are damaged, the healing process can take longer. This suggests that they have not yet …

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Is Professional Teeth Whitening Right For You?

Posted on December 22, 2020 | Posted in Teeth Whitening

Yes, the teeth whitening in Melbourne is right for all who are looking to brighten their teeth. A single session with an affordable dentist in Melbourne will restore your smile’s brightness and boost your self-confidence. This also improves your self-esteem and your …

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Getting that perfect smile will do wonders for your self-confidence. But, when it comes to straightening their teeth, getting that perfect smile is hard. This is because unsightly pieces of metal attached to the teeth make people often shy away. …

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Dental Implant Surgery; What to Expect?

Posted on December 8, 2020 | Posted in Dental implant

The dental implants in Melbourne; one step closer to getting your smile back! A dental implant is your best tooth replacement option that makes you feel like you got your natural teeth again by look and function. It is the only …

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The dental milestone individuals typically experience from 18 to 22 age is the growth of their wisdom teeth or third molars. It is necessary to remove the wisdom teeth if it grows in the wrong direction, or stuck in your …

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Wisdom teeth are the four permanent adult teeth located at the back corners of your mouth on the top and bottom. These teeth usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. When it gets impacted (didn’t develop properly, developed …

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What Foods Stain Your Teeth The Most?

Posted on September 15, 2020 | Posted in Teeth Whitening

All of us long to keep our teeth pearly white and shiny. But, at times the food and drinks we take consume on a daily basis might become our enemy, discolouring the teeth. There could be several factors that cause …

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What Are The Signs Of Needing Braces?

Posted on September 1, 2020 | Posted in Invisible Braces

Are you avoiding smiling because your teeth are not completely straight or you feel that your bite could be corrected? These are just a few indicators that you need braces. Most people hesitate to get braces, as it is inconvenient …

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Your smile plays a significant role in the first impressions people get from you. It says a lot about you. Everyone wants a bright smile; showing off a beautiful smile makes you feel better within yourself. However, if your teeth …

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Are Invisible Braces right for me?

Posted on June 1, 2020 | Posted in Invisible Braces

If you are longing for straighter teeth, you are likely looking for teeth straightening options. Invisible braces Melbourne can be a good choice when it comes to straitening your smile. This is true, especially if you want to forgo traditional, metal braces. …

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