Our Team

Our Staff

Highly Qualified Doctors

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blandit erat, non suscipit velit tortor quis magna.
Dr Paulo Pinho

Dr Paulo Pinho


Dr Pinho is the founder of No Gap Dentists and made his goal to provide Affordable High Quality dentistry in Australia.

Dr Michael Spiteri

Dr Michael Spiteri

Dental Surgeon

Dr Spiteri is responsible for most surgical dental extractions under local anaesthetic in Sydney.

Dr Naser Albarbari

Dr Naser Albarbari


Dr Abarbari offers surgical extractions including the removal of impacted wisdom teeth for our service.

Vicky Wang

Vicky is our second longest team member. Very popular and loved by all in our service.

Dr Albinia David

Dr Albinia satisfied the requirements of The Australian Dental Council as a General Dentist in 2021.

Joanna Ibrahim

Joanna is possibly the most popular member of our team.

Dr Evan Kuo

Dr Evan Kuo


Dr Kuo believes that good dentistry work should last a life time.

Dr Gunaridis

Dr Gunaridis

Dental Surgeon

Dr Gunaridis is known as one of the most accomplished dental implant surgeons in Australia.

Dr David Jang

Dr David Jang

Dental Surgeon

David performs most complex cases with extremely high success rates.

George Alvarez

George is one of our most experienced members with more than a decade of experience.

What to Do in a Dental Emergency?

Our goal is to provide our patients with the best possible dental care in an environment of comfort and compassion.