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What will happen if I don’t have my impacted wisdom teeth removed?

Posted on October 23, 2018

If you have impacted wisdom teeth, it is wise to get them removed. Though they might not give you severe symptoms in the beginning, they are silently progressive and ultimately cause severe pain after it has damaged the surrounding teeth too.

Here are some of the problems that might arise if you do not have your wisdom teeth removed.

  • You may encounter pain or soreness in your jaw, ear, throat, or on the side of your face.
  • The bacteria triggered by the infected wisdom teeth may spread throughout the body, affecting various organ systems and overall health; this is dangerous for people with weak immune systems.
  • Jaw cyst, Pericoronitis and increased risk of jaw fracture.
  • With impacted wisdom teeth, you might face difficulty with normal bite, and place excessive stress on the jaw muscles and joints in mouth.

Hence, it is better to opt for a wisdom teeth removal Melbourne. The expert dentists will carefully remove your wisdom teeth in a painless way and help you escape from the problems caused by the wisdom teeth.


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