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Wisdom teeth removal is not as bad as you think. In fact, the decision to have your wisdom teeth extracted is crucial. No matter if your wisdom teeth are impacted or not, your decision will impact your oral hygiene. That is why it is advisable to extract wisdom teeth even it does not cause any oral issues. But, many ignore the wisdom teeth removal procedure due to the cost or dental anxiety. To help you understand more about the treatment, we have put together frequently asked questions about wisdom teeth removal surgery.

Why should I remove my wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to grow in. In most of the cases, the growth of wisdom teeth becomes problematic and extraction is the viable option to prevent several dental issues. As wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to come in, they often do not have enough space in the jawline to develop completely and gets trapped under the gum line and become impacted. An impacted wisdom tooth can cause a lot of dental problems including, pain, cyst, gum diseases, teeth shifting, and dental caries.

For many, impacted wisdom teeth do not show any signs and problems can develop later. For partially erupted wisdom teeth, cleaning becomes difficult and the bacteria can causes cavities and mild to severe infections. The cheap dentist in Melbourne is the right person to determine whether you need to extract your wisdom teeth or not.

Is it necessary to have wisdom teeth removed?

Yes, as it can cause several dental problems. However, you can keep your wisdom teeth if they are healthy and do not cause any troubles to surrounding teeth.

Is wisdom teeth removal painful?

No! As the procedure itself is done under anaesthesia you won’t experience any pain during the extraction. You may feel the pressure while pulling out the tooth but not any pain. Local anaesthesia will be given prior to the procedure to numb the surgical site and it blocks out the pain. However, if you are too nervous about the treatment, the cheap dentist in Melbourne may suggest sedation options such as IV sedation, nitrous oxide, General anaesthesia, and oral pills to keep you calm and relaxed during the surgery. The type of anaesthesia you choose may affect the wisdom teeth removal cost.

How long does it take to recover from cheap wisdom teeth removal?

Most of the patients will recover completely from wisdom teeth removal surgery in 3 – 5 days. If the teeth are impacted, it may take a week to recover completely. However, the recovery depends on the complexity of the procedure and oral health of an individual. It is important to follow the post-operative care instructions suggested by the dentist to recovery quickly.

If you have wisdom teeth and are not sure what to do, speak to your dentist. The dentist will monitor the growth of the wisdom teeth and suggest you whether or not to extract them.

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Can You Have Dental Implants With Osteoporosis?

Posted on September 5, 2019 | Posted in Dental implant

Undoubtedly, dental implants have restored countless smiles. In fact, teeth implants are the best way to replace a missing tooth as they function and look like a natural tooth and last for a lifetime. However, a patient must have enough bone in their jaw to receive the implants, which is the major concern in people who suffer from osteoporosis, especially women.

What is osteoporosis and how it affects oral health?

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs when a person loses too much bone and as a result, the density and quality of the bones are reduced. Several research reports show a link between osteoporosis and loss of jawbone. The bone in the jaw supports your teeth and when its density is reduced, tooth loss can occur. If you have osteoporosis and suffer from tooth loss, you may be wondering if this condition may prevent you from getting dental implants. Come on, let’s find out.

Things you need to know about osteoporosis and dental implants

When compared to other teeth replacement options, dental implants are considered to be the most superior choice. Implants are a screw-shaped structure that is anchored into the jawbone to form a sturdy foundation to hold the replacement teeth. It is the only treatment option that replaces both the root and crown part of a missing tooth. With dental implants you can replace one or more teeth, even an entire arch.

If your jawbone is weak, will it be able to support cheap dental implants? According to a study, Osteoporosis affects millions of people worldwide, mostly women over the age of 50. This health condition can weaken the bone throughout the body, including the jawbones. The bones around the implants may take more time for healing and increases the risk of implant failure. The implants must integrate with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration for the success of the implant surgery.  Moreover, studies suggest that implants placed in low density bone leads to implants failure. For these reasons, some experts suggest patients with osteoporosis are not good candidates for receiving implants.

However, several studies and clinical trials in patients having dental implants comparing patients with osteoporosis and patients with no changes in bone were considered. The study results show that “implants placed in patients with osteoporosis did not present high failure rates than those without this condition.” Yes, implants were successful in every patient, including the ones with osteoporosis.

Hence, it is patients with osteoporosis can enjoy the healthy smile that dental implants offer. But, still, Your Dentist in Melbourne is the right person to determine whether you are eligible to replace your missing teeth with dental implants are not. A closer examination of your jaw is crucial to get a realistic idea of whether dental implants suit you or not. If you are concerned about dental implant cost, speak to your dentist.

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