
One Single Price : $99 *

$99 Dental Care Premium Quality Results Affordable Dentists in Melbourne

Our number one goal is to make sure each and every one of our patients receives the highest quality of care at Affordable Prices. $99 dental fees for the great majority of all your general dentistry needs.

One Single Price : $99 *.

  • Scale and Clean with Fluoride
  • Management of Dental Pain with Xrays
  • Tooth Ache
  • Any per surface fillings
  • Simple Extractions
  • Check Up with Xrays

We quickly identified a real problem in Australia: the high cost of dentistry mean patients avoid having vital dental work. So we set out to find a way to provide a low-cost, high-quality dental service.
Dental Implants Placed
Wisdom Teeth Removed
Invisible Braces Placed
Teeth Whitening Completed
Affordable Dentists in Melbourne

Why Choose Us

Dr Paulo Pinho - NO GAP Dentists - Melbourne, VIC

Dr Paulo Pinho

Affordable Dentistry is our Passion

Teeth Cleaning 99%
Invisible Braces 99%
Teeth Whitening 95%
Our Staff

Affordable Dentistry is our Passion

We quickly identified a real problem in Australia: the high cost of dentistry mean patients avoid having vital dental work. So we set out to find a way to provide a low-cost, high-quality dental service in Melbourne and Sydney.
Dr Paulo Pinho

Dr Paulo Pinho


Dr Pinho is the founder of No Gap Dentists and made his goal to provide Affordable High Quality dentistry in Australia.

Dr Michael Spiteri

Dr Michael Spiteri

Dental Surgeon

Dr Spiteri is responsible for most surgical dental extractions under local anaesthetic in Sydney.

Dr Naser Albarbari

Dr Naser Albarbari


Dr Abarbari offers surgical extractions including the removal of impacted wisdom teeth for our service.

Vicky Wang

Vicky is our second longest team member. Very popular and loved by all in our service.

Dr Albinia David

Dr Albinia satisfied the requirements of The Australian Dental Council as a General Dentist in 2021.

Joanna Ibrahim

Joanna is possibly the most popular member of our team.

Dr Evan Kuo

Dr Evan Kuo


Dr Kuo believes that good dentistry work should last a life time.

Dr Gunaridis

Dr Gunaridis

Dental Surgeon

Dr Gunaridis is known as one of the most accomplished dental implant surgeons in Australia.

Dr David Jang

Dr David Jang

Dental Surgeon

David performs most complex cases with extremely high success rates.

George Alvarez

George is one of our most experienced members with more than a decade of experience.



Affordable Dentistry - NO GAP Dentists - Melbourne, VIC
Affordable dental clinic - NO GAP Dentists - Melbourne, VIC
Dental Clinic - NO GAP Dentists - Melbourne, VIC
Dental Clinic in melbourne - No Gap Dentists
High Quality Clear Aligners at No Gap Dentist - Melbourne, VIC
No Gap Dentist clinic - Melbourne, VIC

We want to be your affordable dentist in Melbourne.

for General Dentistry or go to : DrPauloPinho.com.au to Book Wisdom Teeth or Dental Implant Consultations ONLINE 24/7

Why so much difference between Dental Fees and Prices?

When it comes to affordable dentist in Melbourne There are no standard fees and prices for services provided. It is not like medical services covered by Medicare, which have prescribed fees in Australia.

This means a patient can get 10 very different treatment plans from 10 different dentists – and each can charge as they please. Why?

Dentistry is regulated by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) through the Dental Board of Australia (DBA), which provides registration standards, codes of conduct as well as guidelines for professional practice. These standards and guidelines only focus on ensuring quality of care and don’t extend to pricing or prescribe a treatment method for each dental service.

Dentists’ prices depend on a range of factors – such as location, overheads and differences in the method used (e.g. there’s different ways to provide a filling) .

This means costs for the same procedure can vary because it may take longer to perform on some patients, or dentists might use different techniques, or the degree of difficulty could vary.

Variations in the treatment method and materials offered by clinicians for the same item numbers mean you won’t necessarily want to choose your dentist based on cost alone, however it does help to have an idea of just how much other dental practitioners are charging for similar services.

How much does a dental check-up cost?

To see just how much dental fees varied, The website Choice conducted a mystery shop by calling a total of 35 dental clinics across all eight states and territories (we included a mixture of capital city and regional dentists). They enquired about the cost of a check-up – comprehensive oral exam (item number 011), scale and clean (114) and a fluoride treatment (121) – as a new patient without private health insurance. We also checked the price for two X-rays (022).

What we found:

The cost of a check-up (oral exam/scale and clean/fluoride treatment) varied from $150 to $305, with an average price of $231.

Need X-rays? Add another $89.50 for two, on average.

Affordable Dentist in Melbourne

Our Fee ? One Single Price : $99*

The Treatments Included with this Low Fee are what most people need when visiting the Dentist :

Scaling and Clean plus Fluoride – Management of Dental Pain with XRays – Tooth Ache – Any per surface Fillings – Simple Extractions – Check Up with Xrays
* Terms and Conditions for $99 or No Gap Promotion:

No Gap Promotion only applies through Hicaps so the patient must present the private health card for payment at the end of treatment. Patients with private health but no card will not be able to claim and use the No Gap promotion and will need to pay $99.
$99 or No Gap promotion can only be used for the 3 separate online bookings exclusively : 1. Teeth Cleaning and check up (does not include xray). 2. Xray and check up. 3. Any per surface filling (does not include xray if necessary or adviced by the doctor). 4. Simple extraction item 311.
Minimum payment with or without private health insurance is $99. If the private Health does no pay $99 the patient will need to pay the difference on the day of the appointment.

No Gap Dentist Melbourne, VIC

Affordable Dentist in Melbourne

Results of CHOICE’s mystery shop

  • Cheapest: $150 (Our Fee : $99)
  • Most expensive: $405
  • Average cost of a dental check-up: $331

Average cost of a check-up

Each year, the ADA surveys dental practitioners (in 2016 they had 2811 responses from practitioners and specialists) to provide average price data on over 100 dental treatments/item numbers.

According to the ADA’s fee data, the average cost of the same check-up we mystery shopped – including the examination, scale and clean and a fluoride treatment – is around $222 (add an average of $90 for two X-rays).

The ADA fee survey also shows big price discrepancies for the cost of dental work across Australia.

For example, prices for a tooth extraction (311) varied from $135 to $295, an anterior filling (521) from $115 to $206 and a crown (615) from $1261 to $1945.

In terms of price, the ACT most often had the most expensive price, followed by Tasmania; and South Australia most often had the cheapest, followed by Western Australia.

You’re also likely to pay more if you see a specialist as opposed to a general practitioner.

Specialists, in addition to meeting all the minimum requirements of practising as a general dental practitioner, must have completed two years of general dentistry practice and hold a qualification in their specialist area.

There are currently 13 different specialties in Australia: these include endodontics (root canal), orthodontics (such as braces) and prosthodontics (crowns and dentures) to name a few.

What’s the average cost of a trip to the dentist ?


Average dental fees charged by dental GPs – based on the Australian Dental Association’s annual fee survey

Procedure (Item number) Average cost* Range OUR $99 NO GAP Fee
Diagnostic and preventative
Comprehensive oral exam (011) $66 $51–92 $99.00 / or no gap
X-ray (per exposure) (022) INCLUDED on our $99 Deal $45 $30–58 $0.00 / or no gap
Scale and clean (removal of plaque and calculus) (114) $118 $91–157 $99.00 / or no gap
Fluoride treatment (121) INCLUDED on our $99 Deal $38 $22–62 $0.00 / or no gap

Fissure sealing (per tooth) (161)







All of the above for $99 or No Gap


Oral surgery
Tooth extraction (311) $185 $135–295 $99.00
Preparation of root canal (chemo-mechanical) – one canal (415) $278 $183–410 n/a
Preparation of root canal (chemo-mechanical) – one canal (416) $136 $94–214 n/a
Filling – anterior tooth – 1 surface (521) $153 $115–206 $99.00
Filling – anterior tooth – 2 surfaces (522) $282 $141–348 $198.00
Filling – posterior tooth – 1 surface (531) $163 $121–220 $99.00
Filling – posterior tooth – 2 surfaces (532) $302 $151–385 $198.00

What About Private Health Insurance ? Do you Have Any ?

If your answer is Yes , Even Better !

You will pay nothing out of your pocket through our No Gap fee structure.

We except all Private Health Plans with our HICAPS terminal.

Don’t Wait any longer. Super Easy to Book Online 24/7 !

Our Blog

Your Guide to Achieving a Perfect Smile: Teeth Whitening and Dental Implants

Your Guide to Achieving a Perfect Smile: Teeth Whitening and Dental Implants

A confident smile can make a world of difference in your personal and professional life. In Melbourne, the quest for a radiant smile often involves two popular dental procedures: Teeth whitening Melbourne and Dental implants Melbourne. Each plays a unique role in transforming your smile, and when combined, they can produce truly stunning results. This guide will…

Enhance Your Dental Makeover – How Teeth Whitening Complements Dental Implants in Melbourne

Enhance Your Dental Makeover – How Teeth Whitening Complements Dental Implants in Melbourne

Are you considering enhancing your smile with dental implants in Melbourne? If so, adding teeth whitening to your dental makeover can provide the perfect finishing touch. Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that can brighten your smile and complement the natural look of dental implants. Here, we will explore the benefits of dental implants, the…

Teeth Whitening After Dental Implants – 5 Things You Need to Know

Teeth Whitening After Dental Implants – 5 Things You Need to Know

Are you considering teeth whitening after getting dental implants in Melbourne? While dental implants can restore your smile and confidence, it’s essential to understand how teeth whitening can affect them. Here, we’ll discuss five important things you need to know about whitening your teeth after getting dental implants. Implants Don’t Whiten Like Natural Teeth A crucial aspect…

Contact Us in Melbourne and Sydney

Call us now on 1300 721 184 for General Dentistry

or go to : DrPauloPinho.com.au to Book Wisdom Teeth or Dental Implant Consultations ONLINE 24/7

Ground Floor, 350 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia


+How Long Will Teeth Whitening Last?
After a teeth whitening treatment, the length of time you can expect it to last might vary. If you consume carbonated drinks, smoke, drink alcohol or take in acid-containing diets, your brightening smile might begin to turn into yellow more quickly than you expect it to last. Typically a teeth whitening procedure can last for a few years, with occasional touch-ups to maintain the lustre.  Discuss with an expert cheap dentist Melbourne, to know how you can benefit from teeth whitening.
+Will The Dental Plan I Choose, Cover The Cost Of Composite Fillings?
The Cheap dentist Melbourne packages, include the cost of composite fillings up to the silver components. Every plan might vary though, so it is worth discussing with your dentist to know the most suitable options. Moreover, the cost of the fillings will vary from clinic to clinic, so it is better that you check with your dentist before deciding on the treatment.

Our Fee : One Single Price : $99*. The Treatments Included with this Low Fee are what most people need when visiting the Dentist : Check Up and Clean with Xray – Management of Dental Pain – Tooth Ache – Any per surface fillings – Simple Extractions. 

+Will Two To Three Minutes Brushing Of Teeth Avoid Cavities?
Yes, two to three minutes of brushing your teeth regularly, might help to avert cavities. But, it can destroy your tooth enamel too. So, don’t brush too hard or for longer hours, Floss regularly, at least once a day. Avoid taking more sugar content in your food. There is added sugar in candies, chips, chocolates etc., which can bring in more cavities to your mouth. So be mindful of the sweetened food and carbonated beverages that damage your teeth. Brush/rinse your teeth after you attempt to each these junkies. Also, take regular visits to a Dentist Melbourne, as he will help find out any initial dental problems.
+Should I Really Floss? Isn’t A Clean Brushing Pattern Enough?
Well, flossing helps minimise the number of bacteria in your mouth.  After every meal, several hundreds of bacteria sit back on your mouth.  These bacteria can be removed only by way of flossing. Though brushing will help get rid of some of the bacteria, it can’t remove everything. If you don’t floss, it will allow the bacteria to hide between your teeth, and eventually it will turn into tartar, which can be removed only by a Dentist Melbourne. So, floss regularly!
+How Often Should I Visit My Dentist Melbourne? Is It Okay If I Visit Only When I Have A Problem?
Most people consult a Dentist Melbourne only when they encounter a dental problem. This situation is commonly referred to as “crisis treatment”. We usually recommend for a “preventive treatment.” Most patients are of the assumption that they are saving money on their minor dental problems, but less are they aware that it often ends up costing them more money and time. Most dental problems do not show any symptoms until it reaches the advanced stages, e.g. tooth decay. Tooth decay does not show any signs of pain until it affects the nerves of the tooth. If this symptom was detected early by a Dentist Melbourne during your dental visits, you could have prevented a root canal treatment.
+I Have Diabetes. Will This Affect My Oral Health?
Research confirms that there is a close association between diabetes and gum disease. Studies also prove that the diabetic patients are more prone to gum diseases. It is because, if the glucose levels in the blood are not controlled appropriately, you might likely develop gum disease, which could result in loss of teeth. So, make sure to get the advice of an Affordable dentist Melbourne who will offer you with potential suggestions to maintain your oral health if you are a diabetic patient. https://affordabledentistcbd.melbourne/
+What Will Happen If I Don’t Get Dental Implants?
Dental implants Melbourne are replacements to the natural tooth. They look and act like real tooth. They fuse well with your jaw bones and provide ample support for the crowns. If you do not opt for Dental Implants, your jawbone will begin to shrink, which will gradually affect the shape of your face, making you to look aged. Discuss with your dental implant specialist to know about the benefits and risks to see if dental implants are the right choice for you.
+My Teeth Is Darkening, What Could Be The Reason?
There are many factors that would darken your teeth – smoking tobacco, acid containing foods, carbonated/alcoholic drinks, etc. These substances work on the teeth, and gradually stain the teeth. Even coffee and tea are no exemption to causing hazard to your white teeth. Cutting down coffee and tea can prolong the whiteness of your teeth, paving way for a great smile. Acidic foods open up the pores in the teeth allowing the accumulation of more stains on your teeth. Discuss with an Affordable dentist Melbourne today, to know more tips to retain your white smile.
+Is It Good To Use Teeth-Whitening Toothpastes?
The whitening toothpastes that are available in the commercial market, work by taking off the stains from the teeth, as they contain mild abrasives. Still, most whitening toothpastes do not make any changes to the basic colour of the teeth. The notable part is, the toothpastes that remove these stains on the tooth, can destroy the enamel on your tooth in the process. These commercial toothpastes have harsh abrasives, and with repeated use, they will damage the tooth, causing tooth sensitivity.  If you are intending to use whitening toothpaste, discuss with your Cheap dentist Melbourne first.
+How Old Should I Be To Qualify For Wisdom Teeth Removal?
Wisdom teeth erupt during the ages of 18 to 25. Depending on the type of the impacted tooth and the severity of the complications, it is wise to remove it before the age of 24. Though they can be removed during any age, however to avoid complications it is good to get it removed when younger adults. Discuss with your dentist on Wisdom Teeth removal Melbourne today!